Modern Radio Player Download For Free
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This is javascript plugin for standalone website.
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 4.35 [17.3.2024]
- [UPDATE] volume seekbar incorrect size in popup - [UPDATE] fixed skin missing playback rate button - [UPDATE] fixed skin volume icon broken
VERSION 4.26 [4.1.2024]
- [FIX] popup close init
VERSION 4.25 [22.11.2023]
- [ADD] navigator share
UPDATE 4.2 [5.11.2023]
- [FIX] server url in stats not to show undefined if url not exist - [UPDATE] add visualizer position (top / bottom) - [UPDATE] set logo default as css contain insteads of cover
UPDATE 4.1 [27.7.2023]
- [FIX] prevent body horizontal scroll show when mini player animates back to normal player - [FIX] playback rate toggle button not working if playback rate array contained strings [FIX] stations button opening station list if no stations available - [UPDATE] improved player semantics and seo - [UPDATE] add CSS media hover
UPDATE 4.02 [30.1.2023]
- [UPDATE] option to set css url for popup window
UPDATE 4.01 [12.1.2023]
- [FIX] history list missing artist
UPDATE 4.0 [2.1.2023]
- [UPDATE] converted player to javascript - [UPDATE] set api key for Audiodb artwork - [UPDATE] on close popup window, show player in page again - [ADD] option to auto open popup window - [ADD] option to autoplay when player comes into viewport - [ADD] option to minimize player to page bottom when user scrolls the page - [ADD] playback rate button in controls - [ADD] option to convert to mini player in some skins - [ADD] option to use default browser scroll in playlist - [ADD] HLS support - [ADD] play audio adverts during radio playback
UPDATE 3.65 [24.12.2022]
- [FIX] icecast metadata url
UPDATE 3.6 [24.9.2022]
- [FIX] artwork using cors when cors is disabled - [UPDATE] facebook share no longer requires api key - [UPDATE] whatsapp share
UPDATE 3.5 [29.12.2021]
- [FIX] artwork skin player cover not resizing properly - [FIX] default player artwork not set in artwork missing in some cases - [CHANGE] some skins reduced for simplicity - [UPDATE] more share networks added - [UPDATE] new callbacks (radioStartLoad, radioEndLoad) - [UPDATE] loadRadio api method - [ADD] create playlist from query string parameters - [ADD] optional audio visualizer while radio plays
UPDATE 3.05 [7.12.2021]
- [FIX] ios artwork not working - [UPDATE] option to show full title instead of splitting artist - title by dash character
UPDATE 3.0 [22.10.2021]
- [FIX] not working on ios - [ADD] option to use PerfectScrollbar instead of mCustomScroll in playlist - [UPDATE] audiodb option for player artwork - [UPDATE] option to close station list when select new station and go back to history list (was closed by default before) - [UPDATE] if history is not used, history title button is removed from playlist - [ADD] option to show server info (title, listeners, url etc...) - [ADD] loading radio message when radio is loading - [UPDATE] display message when radio station is offline - [UPDATE] display message when radio metadata is not available - [UPDATE] keyboard controls improve
UPDATE 2.45 [14.7.2021]
- [FIX] toggle volume
UPDATE 2.41 [29.12.2020]
- [ADD] Specify your own radio metadata and history url
UPDATE 2.36 [9.5.2020]
- [FIX] Radiojar history not synced
UPDATE 2.35 [19.4.2020]
- [UPDATE] Shoutcast SLL improvements
UPDATE 2.32 [13.2.2020]
- [FIX] Icecast artist not showing
UPDATE 2.31 [29.1.2020]
- [UPDATE] get artwork from radiojar metadata
UPDATE 2.3 [11.1.2020]
- [UPDATE] SSL fix and more precise artwork cover results
UPDATE 2.21 [24.12.2019]
- [FIX] radiojar fix
UPDATE 2.2 [19.12.2019]
- [ADD] radiojar support - [UPDATE] support for multiple streams from a single server (SID) - [ADD] whatsapp share - [ADD] new skins (artwork, modern)
UPDATE 2.1 [5.8.2019]
- [UPDATE] improved icecast metadata parsing
UPDATE 2.0 [27.5.2019]
- [ADD] option to create history list as radio plays song by song (to save search artwork limit) - [ADD] popup option (open player in popup window to play music continously across website)
UPDATE 1.4 [3.7.2018]
- [UPDATE] No longer server side code is used (radio data is retrieved with frontend code only)
UPDATE 1.1 [1.9.2016]
- [UPDATE] minor code improvements
VERSION 1.0 [17.06.2016]
- first release
tags: audio, icecast, live streaming, music player, radio, shoutcast, audio player