Laramagz – Laravel News & Blog CMS Script Download For Free
Laramagz – Laravel News & Blog CMS Script
is a complete solution for any kind of News, Magazine and Blog Portal. This cms Includes almost everything
you need. This CMS (Content Mangement System) Administrator System or Backend you can use this Laravel 11
framework integration with the AdminLTE template.
Laramagz is fully responsive for any device with four attractive
templates. Laravel 11 PHP Framework is used
to develop this system so Laramagz theme is ready to use, If you’re a developer, you can also easy to modify theme.
and front-end build websites based on Bootstrap.
Features overview
Laramagz built with LARAVEL 11 we love php artisan and This script comes with a powerful CMS.
Ready template front end responsive, well tested on all compatible browsers, designed to be reusable and could
be easy to
Adminlte v3
AdminLTE is best open source admin dashboard & control panel theme.
Built on top of Bootstrap , AdminLTE provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.
Multiple Users
You can manage almost everything in your site with its powerful CMS Admin panel. It is multi-author system and
all authors
Role by permissions :
Powerful Permission System: Manage user, team, role by permissions. Easy to manage user by permissions.
Using API Google Analytics
Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel CMS.
Support Multilanguage System & Support RTL (Right to Left)
you can personalize your site with appropriate language with multiple language options,
and Support RTL (right to left) languages like Arabic or any orther languages
Full feature list
- Upgrade to Laravel 11
- 100% Responsive
- Powerfull Admin Panel
- Multiple Users
- Manage role by permissions. Easy to manage user by role and permissions.
- Using API Google Analytics
- Built in social share system
- DISQUS Comment System Integrated
- SEO Friendly URL
- Responsive Ad Spaces for Any Kind of Ad Codes (Including Google AdSense)
- Google Recptcha
- Built in social share system
- Manage storage using Laravel Filemanager
- Manage multiple menu
- Powerful admin menu builder backend settings like WordPress
- Blade layout with Master
- Support Post Artcile, Audio & Video Posts
- CRUD Operation (Add, Edit, Delete, Create)
- Integration with AJAX
- Change Logo, Favicon, Site Title, Site Description, etc. from Admin Panel
- Newsletter (Send Html Email to All Registered Emails)
- CSRF Protection
- Support RTL (right to left) languages like Arabic or any orther languages
- Multilingual System (Add New Language Easily)
- Light and Dark Mode
- Email Verification
- Sitemap.xml Generator
- Easy to customize
- Maintenance Mode
- Code Commented
- Detailed documentation
- And much more..
- PHP >= 8.2
- MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB 10.0+
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Imagick PHP Extension
- GD PHP Extension
Note: Before update please check documentation
Update Version Laramagz v3.1.1 (2024-October-14)
Changelog Added - The parent category option displays all categories other than the category being edited Changed - Changed the category input from a drop-down list to a checkbox on article, audio and video posting pages. - Changed the appearance of the Theme settings page. - Update Laravel and packages. - Code refactoring Fixed - All issues found in previous versions. - Error when accessing video post details - Comments don't work. - Share posts on social media Removed - Removed input subcategories on article, audio and video posting pages. - Removed the edit button and add tag form. - Removed contact description input on the Web Contact Settings page. - Removed the process of resizing post thumbnails, audio, and video to only use image files of the same size.
Update Version Laramagz v3.0.0 (2024-April-27)
Changelog - Cannot save new categories when adding translations - The image display is broken when editing a translation category where the main category image is deleted - Remove multiple tags - Notification when entering email in newsletter - Video Post - Audio Post Changed - Update to Laravel 11 - Change package from rahulhaque/laravel-filepond to sopamo/laravel-filepond"
Update Version Laramagz v2.3.1 (2023-January-10)
Changelog Fixed - The process of resizing post thumbnail images, audio and video. - Open graph image post/audio/video. - Category thumbnails are not displayed. - Open Graph Image image not displayed. - Post subcategories when editing posts. - Problem editing the date when in a language other than English - Other issues. Changed - The default value of the post_source table posts field from empty string to nullable. - The user interface displays the settings menu as a submenu. - Other minor changes
Update Version Laramagz v2.3.0 (2023-December-18)
Changelog Fixed - Audio posts during updates. - Submenu navigation. - Performance issues based on PageSpeed Insights. - Authentication message on failed login. - Reset password message that is not visible. - Video & Audio player not appearing on adding Video Post Translations. - File manager menu. - Other issues. Added - Multilingual translation in the contact description. - Support for image URLs for post thumbnails, page thumbnails, video cover thumbnails, and audio cover thumbnails. - Recommendation for image size: 763x414px (16:9) on the post thumbnail upload form page. - Edit date and time of publishing for video and audio posts. - Support for sidebar and footer settings applied to all pages. - Addition of a theme page for general layout. - Like count description above the post title in the post listing. Changed - Thumbnail image size for posts, categories, video covers, and audio covers (recommended size with a 16:9 ratio). - Theme color changed to red (#EB0000). - Update FontAwesome to version 6.5.1. - Redesign of the logo image, favicon, OG cover, dashboard logo, and login logo. - Redesign of the default no-image image. - List icons on the icon picker using FontAwesome 6.5.1, displaying only a few icons. Additional available icons can be added manually. - Stylish appearance for the Item Menu Manager. - Restore the group column on the Translations table that was removed in the previous version. - Change the favicon appearance and reduce the list of favicons in the HTML meta. - Frontend theme CSS styling. - Limit post title rows to 2 in the content body's post list and 1 row for post titles in sections, sidebars, and footers. - Replace the love symbol with the like symbol for liking posts on the single post page. - Other changes. Removed - Ionicons - The love icon to like in the list of posts. - The "more" button to read further in the listing of posts.
Update Version Laramagz v2.2.1 (2023-November-20)
Changelog Fixed - Height of the Tinymce Text Editor Source Code field - Loading sign during the contact message sending process - Thumbnail page image not displayed - Export and Import database backup files Added - Added language translation for notifications when contact messages are successfully sent - Validate the contact message form - Add a first name to the notification when sending a contact message successfully - Add date and time edit input on the Edit Post - Added draft and scheduled icons on the All Posts page in the Admin Panel - Added favicon logo invocation script - Post thumbnail caption - The number of post comments in the comment_count column in the posts table Changed - Update TinyMCE version 6.4.2 to 6.7.2 - TinyMce skin name for theme light from magz to tinymce-5 - Remove elevation-3 on brand-image to remove shadow on logo - Update sweetalert2 v11.4.0 to sweetalert2 v11.9.0 - Change sweetalert invocation script from swal() to in e-magz.js file - Changed the style call from sweetalert2-theme-bootstrap-4/bootstrap-4.min.css to sweetalert2/sweetalert2.min.css in frontend theme - Changed the script to display the logo in Helpers/ImageHelper.php - Added to the scope query to prevent posts from displaying articles created with a date and time that exceeds the current date and time. - Changed the script to display the logo in the footer - Changed the script to display the logo in the header
Update Version Laramagz v2.2.0 (2023-October-27)
Changelog Fixed - Sidebar Image Ads cannot be changed. - "Undefined array key "[language code]"" error when opening the Footer layout page - some phrases are not translated - Minor adjustments to the CSS of the web theme - The other minor mistakes Added - Comment Changed - Web theme style: Bootstrap v5.1.3 to v5.3.2
Update Version Laramagz v2.1.0 (2023-October-07)
Changelog Fixed - Pages cannot be deleted - Email Subscription Added - table subscribers - Creates a language code folder in the lang directory automatically when creating a language Changed - Removed use of MailChimp
Update Version Laramagz v2.0.2 (2023-September-21)
Changelog Fixed - Category images are deleted when category data is updated - The Google Analytics Global site tag script does not appear - download export file data - An error appears on the site page when selecting a new language option Added - Intervention Image configuration file Changed - Remove the link in the URL column on Themes Pages
Update Version Laramagz v2.0.1 (August 31, 2023)
Changelog Fixed - The DataTables 'Attempt to read property "name" on null' error appears after deleting the parent category - Problem with Logo header on mobile view - Disqus missing - Cannot change Display language options - The language item can not be activated/deactivated
Update Version Laramagz v2.0.0 (August 20, 2023)
Changelog Added - Video Post - Audio Post - layout and content can be customized - add system mode color scheme Changed - Upgrade to Laravel 10 - Text editor from summernote to TinyMCE - Renamed Google Analytics ID to Measurement ID - Renamed Aanalytics View ID to Property ID - Translation editor - Color scheme icon: dark mode, light mode, system mode - etc Fixed - Google Analytics - Other bugs
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.4 (June 21, 2023)
Changelog Fixed - Error 503 when accessing post details that have category - CSS: The color of the pagination number when active - Fixed attempt to read property "parent" on null on homepage Changed - Posts helper: display thumbnail images in edited posts
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.3 (April 27, 2023)
Changelog Added - Custom Open Graph Image per Page - Supports Sub Categories Fixed - Can’t deactivate language in Localization > Language menu - Can’t delete Sub Menu - Error saving Menu When Any Menu Item is deleted
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.2-4 (May 22, 2023)
Changelog Fixed - Post image not showing - Error sitemap - Post error page when opened by a different user
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.2-3 (Okt 10, 2022)
Changelog Fixed - Can't delete social media site links - ad image not showing - minor bug Removed - package consoletvs/charts
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.2-2 (Okt 5, 2022)
Changelog Fixed - Site Social Media - Permalink - Image ad - change favicon - change logo - Update Settings - Env-editor blank
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.2 (July 19, 2022)
Changelog Added - Upgrade Bootsrap 5 - Support Multilanguage System & Support RTL (Right to Left) - Support Light & Dark Mode for theme - Image for category - shared hosting version and - Disk 'sharedhosting' on Filesystem Disks for custom storage - Env configuration for custom disk filesystem in env file Changed - Image upload view - Display of dashboard page headings and footers condensed for mobile screens - Storage using public path instead of storage path (for the shared hosting version) Fixed - All issues found in previous versions - Display a blank image on the edit page Removed - The amount of data in the title on the page - Check php symlink extension
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.1 (April 1, 2022)
Changelog - Fixed an issue when adding translations to posts and pages - Fixed issue with slug in Page - Changed the translation key label_translations to label_translation - Fixed tag input on post page added translation - Fixed route for multiple delete pages - Remove 'member' and change to 'author' in Helpers/Posts.php - Fixed the process of deleting posts and pages that have translations - Fixed input so that it could support multiple characters, for example Arabic characters - Fixed text on change image button in edit advertisement - Fixed menu link and menu item submit button after editing - Fixed language on related posts in post details - Fixed RTL on Frontend Theme - Fixed on translation edit - Added edit language name
Update Version Laramagz v1.3.0 (Maret 05, 2022)
Changelog - Added multi-language feature - Added descriptions to categories and tags - Changing Manager Menu - Added Localization Menu to manage language and translation - Changed the superadmin role name to super-admin, and the member role name to author - Roles cannot be changed and deleted, except Roles added by the user - Removed Menu to Set Permissions. Granting or changing permissions can be done via the Role Menu. - Added color settings on the Socialmedia Menu - Change the name of Register Member to Register User - Added language selection settings - Added setting to show or hide language selection on frontend - Changed the Env-editor package from brotzka/laravel-dotenv-editor to geo-sot/laravel-env-editor. - Changing Sitemap - Using Bootstrp 5 on Theme Frontend - Supports RTL on Frontend Themes - Support Dark Mode on Dashboard - Changed Social Media input in Settings > Web Contacts to be more dynamic - Fixed missing SupportLocales.json file in app/public/file storage - set use_full_favicon to true
Update Version Laramagz v1.2.3 (July 18, 2021 )
Changelog - update laravel adminlte - fix permalinks - fix settings - web-properties - meta description changed from string to text database migration - fix the grid column height on the home page of the latest news section - fix search page - fix error "Undefined array key 0" in dashboard for newly created Google Analytics
Update Version Laramagz v1.2.2 (June 7, 2021 )
Changelog - Fixed login error when Post Permalink is set in Post name - Fixed an error when importing data files - Add Page and Category Permalinks
Update Version Laramagz v1.2.1 (May 21, 2021 )
Changelog - Fixed Error "Unsupported operand types: int - string" - Modified Sitemap: change the guid content from item id to url link - Fix youtube social media links in footer - Fix cannot upload images in post and page articles
Update Version Laramagz v1.2.0 (April 17, 2021 )
Changelog - Add Sitemap - Add Feed RSS - Add Export data & Storage file - Add Import data - Added the user status feature (active or deactive) - Changing the way to enter the Google Adsense script (No longer inserting scripts) - Added dropdown on session by device and visitor & pageview to select Google Analytics for the day - Update Package
Update Version Laramagz v1.1.1 (March 18, 2021 )
Changelog - Fix member post edit - Hide link register member on register is not activated - Change imagick driver image to gd - Change the appearance of Google Analytics on the dashboard - Fix an image that does not appear in the edit gallery form - Converts Blade :: aliasComponent to Blade :: component for breadcrumb templates
Update Version Laramagz v1.1.0 (November 17, 2020 )
Changelog - Upgrade to Laravel 8 - Fix adding social media on Add New User - Fix update permission on Update Role when clicking the update role button - Fix open graph image thumbnail when uploading image in Web Properties settings - Fixed a thumbnail post image that did not appear when the web permalink was changed to the day and name - Added private post feature in Post - Added a loading progress bar on the front end - Displays the name of the user who is currently logged in on the frontend - Change the redirect from dashboard to login after registering a new user on the register user page - Fix bug - Update library package
Update Version (01 October 2020)
changelog - Added and update library package - Update Advertising - Update Favicon Settings - Fixed bug changes to the website logo - Fixed web contacts - Fixed the child menu in the frontend navigation menu
Update Version 1.0.2 (09 September 2020)
changelog - Fixed user permissions - Added custom permalink to the post - Added a video attribute to the text editor - Added custom dashboard and login logo - Updated Advertisement - Updated Permissions - Fixed change photo profile - Fixed bugs
Update (11.August .2020)
changelog - Update Documentation - Added Customize Credit Footer on CMS - Added themes information detail - Change file and folder themes structure - Add permalinks web config menu (settings) - Update the latest package version - Analytics chart display changes - Fixed bugs
Version 1.0 (23.June.2020)
changelog - initials release
Online Documentation: Check
Demo Frontend:
Demo frontend
Demo Information:
username : admin
Password: admin123
Source and Credits
- Bootstrap 4
- Fontawesome
- Jquery
- Menu builder
- Laravel Analytics
- Admin Lte
- Kodinger
- And etc.