Food Delivery Flutter App UI Kit Download For Free
Multi Restaurants Flutter App UI Kit
UI Kit using flutter framework created by Google is an open-source mobile application development. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications
- More than 25 Screens:
- Login
- Register
- Phone Validation OTP
- Walkthrough
- Home
- Restaurant Details
- Maps Explorer
- Menu of Restaurants
- Food Details
- Cart
- Checkout
- Notifications
- User Profile
- User Orders
- User Favorites Foods
- App Settings
- App Languages
- Help & Supports
- Tracking Orders
- Chat with Restaurants
- Account Settings
- Great and helpful +60 Components. Tabs, Sliders, Swipers Cards Hero Animations, Search bars, Bootton Navigations
- Multiple Restaurants or Restaurants directory UI elements
- Entities & Models are ready to use.
- Clean & organized Dart Language code
- Easy to restyle and theming by on your branding sites.
- Working fine with bright and dark mode.
- Awesome animations are ready to use: Hero Animations, Parallax Animations, Sliding & Swiping animations
- Working really well on both iOS and Android with support with 60 frames per second (fps).
This is online documentation, this link can help you how to getting started with flutter and how to use Multi Restaurants App UI Kit in you projects.
What they say about our Apps ?
Bright App Screenshots
Dark App Screenshots
Cool Animations
Change Log
V1.0.0 | 09-09-2019 Add Maps Explorer to find nearby restaurants location V2.0.0 | 04-10-2019 Work with new version Flutter 1.9.1 Add Chat and messages with restaurants. Add swipe to delete chat. Add account settings Add form fields (Text, Date, SelectBox...) with validations Add tracking order UI (click on orders to show tracking information of this order)