DeepSound IOS- Mobile Sound & Music Sharing Platform Mobile IOS Application Download For Free
DeepSound IOS is a social Sharing music & sound application for DeepSound Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform , With DeepSound customers can share sound & music and Interact with users feeds and like and comment and more, Now using the application is easier, and more fun !
DeepSound IOS app is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.
Build on Swift 5.8.1, Xcode 14.3.1, iOS v1.3/1
DeepSound PHP v1.3 or higher.
-If you are charging your users or sell in-app purchases you should obtain the extended license
What does Extended license includs?
1-Extra payment system such as Apple pay.
2-A simple gift from our side
User Features:
- Login & Register, Forget Password.
- Share & Upload Sounds, Music.
- Explore latest Music and new releases.
- Control settings of your app.
- Discover: Lean back and discover new tracks with Shuffle Mode,Get personalized recommendations and discover music with Flow .
- Favourites: Add the tracks you love to your music collection in a single tap with Favourites.
- Playlists: Create playlists for parties, workouts, on the way to work, or whatever mood you’re in
- Artist: Play songs, stream albums and hits from all of your favourite artists.
- Genre: Organise and discover incredible music by genre.
- Offline Access: Take your collection offline, everywhere you go.
- Liked: Display all your liked sound tracks.
- Favorites: Display all your favorited sound tracks.
- Recently Played: Display all your Recently sound tracks which you played.
- Downloads: Display all your downloaded sounds and musics.
- Shared: Display all your last shared sounds and links.
- Top Albums: Play and display all kind of albums in your app filtered by top visits.
- Notifications: Display last activities and notifications from your friends and users.
And much more
Version v1.3 (Stable) on 14 September 2023
[Added] Add post. [Added] Search music. [Added] Genres. [Added] Notification screen. [Added] Artist detail screen. [Added] Search. [Added] Notification Trending. [Added] Products view. [Added] Add to cart. [Added] Product detail screen. [Added] Carts screen. [Added] Download and share. [Added] Purchases. [Added] Followers and following. [Added] Withdrawals. [Added] Go Pro. [Added] Wallet screen. [Improved] Custom Video player [Improved] UI improvements. [Improved] Functionality enhancement. [Improved] Playlist UI [Improved] Trending screen. [Improved] Chat screen. [Improved] Profile screen. [Improved] Setting screen option. [Fixed] Audio more option. [Fixed] Favourite song. [Fixed] Favourites screen. [Fixed] Library screen. [Fixed] Home screen Listing. [Fixed] App crash issue.
Version v1.2.9.1 (Stable) 2 February 2023
[Fixed] Pods install issues. [Fixed] Multiple Reported bugs.
Version v1.2.8 (Stable) 18 December 2022
[Added] Shimmer view during loading data. [Improvment] Player Redesigned UI/UX [Added] Ability to reset password. [Added] Paypal Email input in my account. [Added] Support for referral system. [Added] Ability to view my affiliates. [Added] Ability to load more in top albums. [Improvment] New 80% Redesigned UI/UX [Added] Trend search page. [Added] Not interested song. [Added] Ability to set a song as ringtone. [Update] New cert key required. [Update] For Multiple packages and onesignal package. [Fixed] Get purchases Issue. [Fixed] Get activities Issue. [Fixed] Get product Issue. [Fixed] PayPal payment Issue. [Fixed] Notifications settings. [Fixed] Download track system. [Fixed] Play track offline. [Fixed] Ability to add comments. [Fixed] Load artists profiles. [Fixed] Ability to change to night mode. [Fixed] Ability to set ringtones. [Fixed] Ability to add queue tracks. [Fixed] Song stops working when switching to dark mode. [Fixed] Ability to add to playlists [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
Version v1.2.7 (Stable) 18 November 2022
[Update] Update to latest Xcode. [Update] DeepsoundSDK updated with latest Xcode [Added] New SDK Encryption system [Added] Event system [Added] Product system [Added] Station system [Added] Wallet system [Added] Credit Card(Stripe) [Added] RazorPay payment system [Added] Paystack payment system [Added] CashFree payment system [Added] SecurionPay payment system [Added] Authorise.Net payment system [Added] ApplePay payment system [Added] Show Pro tag [Improved] Fixed Orientation [Improved] Dark Mode [Improved] UI Modification [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update] Optimize UI/UX. [Update] Social Login. [Update] Localization. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
Version v1.2.6 (Stable) 2 August 2021
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 12.5.1 . [Update] DeepsoundSDK updated with Xcode 12.5.1. [Added] New Encryption system [Added] Articles Comments. [Improved] Dark Mode [Improved] UI Modification [Improved] Push Notifications [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update] googleAdMob Updated. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Update] Social Login. [Fixed] Localization. [Fixed] 20+ Reported bugs.
Version v1.2.5 (Stable) 6 March 2021
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 12.4 . [Update] DeepsoundSDK updated with Xcode 12.4. [Improved] Dark Mode [Improved] UI Modification [Improved] UIWebviews Removed [Improved] Push Notifications [Added] App color settings. [Added] RTL Compatibility. [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update] Alamofire Updated. [Update] googleAdMob Updated. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Update]Social Login. [Fixed] Localization. [Fixed] Major dashboard crash issue [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs.
Version v1.2.4 (Stable) 1 December 2020
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 12.0.1 . [Improved] UI Modification [Improved] Apple Pay [Improved] UIWebviews Removed [Improved]Song screen Improved [Improved]Lock screen popup improved [Added] Localization. [Added] Import Song. [Added] Admob. [Update] Optimize Code Quality. [Update] pods updated. [Update]Optimize UI/UX. [Fixed] Filteration. [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs.
Stable v1.2.3 on 5 July 2020
[Update] Update to latest Xcode 11.5 . [Added] Ability to view songs lyrics. [Added] ability to edit delete and share Albums . [Added] Chat System. [Added] Ability to edit delete and share albums . [Added] Blogs system. [Added] Login with WoWonder. [Added] Manage Sessions. [Added] Two Factor Authentication . [Added] Bank Transfer Payment System. [Added] Ability to purchase Albums. [Added] Dislike Track. [Added] Import Soundcloud, iTunes,Deezer. [Added] Dark Mode. [Added] Added Playback Speed [Added] Ability to Edit track [Improved] UI Modification [Update] New UI/UX Design [Fixed] 30+ Reported bugs Fixed.
Stable v1.2.2 on 5 March 2020
Update to Xcode 11.2.1 Added Apple Pay for Extended Licnse. Added Google Ads. Added ability to skip login. UI Modification. Bug fixes.
Stable v1.2 on 14/12/2019
Added Ability to view user purchases. Added subcription plans (Pro plans). Added Ability to pay using paypal. Imrovment for some UI Optimization. Bug fixes.
Stable v1.0 on 17/08/2019
Ability to Login/Register from the application. Added Ability to Create New Playlist Added Ability to View Recomanded. Added Ability to View Favorites. Added Ability to View Top Songs. Added Ability to View Popular Songs. Added Ability to View Recently Played Songs. Added Ability to Explore by genre. Added Ability to Upload sound. Secured the app of illegal uses Added empty state pages. Added Ability to litsen offline. Added Dark Mode UI design. Added Ability To Report Sounds. New image caching system. Added server key to the API. Added ability to comment. Added full Multilingual system with arabic support Added Ability to view/add to liked sounds page Added Ability to Search/view all kind of Sounds Added Ability to view Artist Profiles Added Ability to view Albums Added Ability to view Playlist Added Amazing Player UI Added Ability to Share sounds. Added Ability to Edit profile info. Added Ability to Change Password . Added Ability to View Descriptions of sounds. Added Ability to View Notifications. Added Ability for Full-screen view. Added Ability to Drag Video Panel down Request App Permissions system. Added Native Emoji keyboard view. Added Admob banners on pages. Added regex for numbers & hashtag and Mention. Added ability to display alerts , Toasts , success , errors, loadings , and more.. High Improvement on performance of the app. Supports now all kind of Host TLS2/TLS3. Added block users system. Forget Page: Added ability for users to recover their account via email address. Animations : added Animations on pages and items Materials Design: Total new Design for the app Added Image croper and rotate system. Added settings prefencess screens. Add Full Documentation install and errors solving .