Food Star – Mobile React Native Food Delivery Template Download For Free
Make your own Food Delivery App today with Food Star
Food Star is a modern, well-crafted Food Delivery React Native App Template that can help you create a next hit app in Food Delivery industry.
All components in this template are built with modern React Hooks and TypeScript, we build a dedicated theme system to make sure that the performance is stunning and you can easily customize them for your business.
Food Star is now running on the latest React 18, React Native 0.72.1, and Expo SDK 49 and we’re always making changes and improvements to it in the future.
What’s New
# Update v1.1.3 - (19th Dec, 2023) - Upgrade to Expo SDK 49.0.21
Checkout the documentation
Food Star Documentation
Try before you buy
- Watch preview video
- Check out the iOS version on TestFlight
- Download Android APK
Sample screens
- Account
- ActivityHistory
- ActivityHistoryDetail
- AddAddress
- Authentication
- AuthVerificationCode
- AuthWithPhoneNumber
- ChangeAddress
- Checkout
- DishDetails
- SearchDishes
- Documentation
- EditProfile
- ForgotPassword
- Home
- Login
- Notification
- OrderHistory
- PaymentMethod
- PlaceDetails
- PlaceList
- Promotion
- SavedAddresses
- SelectLocation
- Settings
- SupportCenter
- TrackOrder
UI Kit
- Button
- Touchable
- Text
- TextField
- CheckBox
- RadioButton
- Icon
- Carousel
- Section
- Rating
- Card
- Container
- Divider
- List
- SearchBar
- Dialog
- LoadingIndicator
- TabView
- TabSectionList
- DateTimePicker
Files Included In The Purchased ZIP
- React Native app source code
- Documentation
- This is just a UI Template, we do not connect with any APIs. It’s your choice to find the best backend service for your business
- For Expo project, we do not support the Web version for now
- All images used in the demo will not be included in the downloaded package. But you can purchase them separately.
- All credits are included in the documentation.
Change logs
# Update v1.1.3 - (19th Dec, 2023) - Upgrade to Expo SDK 49.0.21
# Update v1.1.2 - (31th Aug, 2023) - Upgrade to Expo SDK 49.0.0 - Upgrade to React Native 0.72.1
# Update v1.1.0 - (13th June, 2023) - Revamp everything with all the latest tech for react-native - Use Expo as our only default source code
# Update v1.0.81 - (16th March, 2022) - Upgrade Expo package to use v44.0.0 - Upgrade other core dependencies to their latest stable version
# Update v1.0.8 - (17th February, 2022) - Upgrade react-native to 0.67.2 - Upgrade react-native-reanimated to 2.4.1 - Upgrade lottie-react-native to 5.0.1
# Update v1.0.71 - (19th January, 2022) - Replace faker.js with chance.js to generate seed data
# Update v1.0.7 - (November 16, 2021) - Upgrade Expo SDK to 43.0.0 and React Native to 0.66.2
# Update v1.0.61 - (July 19, 2021) - Upgrade Android Gradle to 6.9 and Gradle plugin to 4.2.1 for react-native-cli-project
# Update v1.0.6 - (June 27, 2021) - Add supports for both Expo CLI and React Native CLI
# Update v1.0.5 - (April 05, 2021) - Upgrade Gradle version to 6.5
# Update v1.0.4 - (February 19, 2021) - Implement scroll to top when tapping on the active tab - Upgrade @react-native to 0.63.4, @react to 17.0.1, and other core libraries to their latest stable versions
# Update v1.0.3 - (November 19, 2020) - Add search feature in PlaceDetails screen. Now you can click on the Search icon on the top right corner in PlaceDetails screen to show SearchDishes modal. - Fix Header's UI issues in Authentication screens - Upgrade @react-native-safe-area-context to 3.1.8
# Update v1.0.2 - (October 29, 2020) - Upgrade to React Native 0.63.3 - Upgrade to TypeScript 4.0.3 - Upgrade @react-navigation/native to 5.8.0 - Upgrade @react-navigation/bottom-tabs to 5.10.0 - Upgrade @react-navigation/stack to 5.10.0 - Minor UI bug fixes
# Update v1.0.1 - (September 22, 2020) - Add Right-to-Left layout support - Add AppReviewModal component to remind users to review the app - Add DateTimePicker component - Fix DateTimePicker's text color issues when switching between dark & light mode
# Initial Release v1.0.0 - (September 04, 2020)